How do you spend your day at work? If you’re like a lot of people, you probably have a job where you’re sitting at a desk for most of the day and break up that time by sitting in conference rooms for meetings. With a societal shift toward technology-based jobs and away from manufacturing and skilled trades, many of us are sedentary for a majority of our workday and then we go ...

2016: Take Every Risk. Drop Every Fear
What if you decided that in 2016 you would drop every fear that is holding you back? That you would stop allowing fear to limit what you’re capable of? What if you decided to see how far you could go when the fear of failure was set aside. What might you find out about yourself in pursuit of that dream you have? Because it is the pursuit of the dream where the real growth takes ...
July Member Spotlight: Hunter Ralston
Hunter Ralston is a busy college student but has made time the past 4 years to work out at mission FITNESS whenever she can. She attends the University of Tennessee at Martin and is studying Psychology. Hunter comes from a very active family. Her brother is a collegiate swimmer and lacrosse player and her parents compete in triathlons, half marathons, and are training for their ...