Matt Mund is the owner and founder of Mission Fitness. He is dedicated to helping his clients of all fitness levels achieve their personal goals
September Member Spotlight: Larry Miclette

Larry Miclette is the founder and CEO of ZAG Interactive in Glastonbury, a full-service digital agency that counts Mission Fitness among its clients. The business relationship that Larry formed with Mission Fitness nearly three years ago has led Larry to become a gym member who works out regularly with his wife and four children.
The group comes to the gym every weekday at 6 a.m. to get involved in various workout activities before heading off to school or to work. As a business owner, Larry spends his days growing a successful company and he’s grateful for opportunities to connect with his children during those morning workouts.
“Mission Fitness really is a blast for my children and me,” Larry said. “I love being able to enjoy that quality time with them before we go in different directions during the day. Not only is it quality time, it’s quality time promoting a healthier lifestyle, and that’s really important to us as parents.”
Mission Fitness trainers create a fun workout for the kids that builds up strength and endurance while Larry also gets to challenge himself through body-weight resistance exercises. The entire family works out together and each person benefits. No one is left sitting on the sidelines because the exercises are too difficult, and everyone feels like the workout was appropriately challenging by the end.
Larry has seen a significant improvement in his overall health and stamina, and he enjoys the physical exertion before he launches into busy workdays that present unique challenges every day. Meanwhile, during the school year, his children start their days with invigorating exercises that get them mentally sharp for the rest of the day, while during the summer time, they avoid the habit of lazily sitting around for half the morning.
Getting into a regular workout routine also has helped Larry identify parts of his lifestyle that he can improve. Like most people, he enjoys drinking a beer, sitting down to a steak and eating fried foods on occasion, but he’s been reducing his consumption over the past several months and experiencing positive results in energy levels and general well-being.
“I realize my metabolism isn’t the same as it was when I was 18 years old, so I need some help staying ahead of this curve,” he said. “Mission Fitness helps me do that. And I’ve realized that when you consume less of something you enjoy, you end up enjoying that thing even more. I don’t eat cheeseburgers as often as I used to, and because of that, they taste even better to me because they are more of a treat that I earn based on the amount of time I put in at Mission Fitness.”
And he’s always eager to get to the gym with his children. Each session is an opportunity to connect on a different level with his family while working toward his personal fitness goals, even if those aren’t his primary motivation.
“I just want to continue to have fun at the gym. Being fit is more of a side effect,” Larry said. “That’s what Mission Fitness provides. We go there and have a blast together, and the trainers mix up the workouts so we’re always doing something different that’s great for our physical fitness.”